Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Friday, March 30, 2012

Easter Bunny 2012

Last night we took the boys to the Memorial Mall in Sheboygan to get pictures with the Easter Bunny. I was actually quite nervous to take Jonathan, afraid he would make a scene and start crying. But, he actually went right up the bunny and shook his hand.

We put Lincoln on his lap first, so that Jonathan would feel better about getting up to. It didn't take long to get a great picture of them boy smiling and laughing. So cute. What a great memory for Lincoln's 1st Easter bunny trip.

Note, this is a picture from Jonathan's 1st time there..... look at the terror in his eyes!  Such a difference.

March post

I've been getting into a lot of different things lately to fill my time.  First, I've been planning Lincoln's 1st birthday party. We are having a Dr Seuss themed party at the end of May. I'm having a blast researching different food ideas, game ideas, and decorations. This will be such a fun birthday.  I'm putting together the menu now, and I found the "Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook" at the library today, so new inspiration is coming to me!  All the foods will have names from a book. Should be a lot of fun!

I've also taking an interest in "pinterest. Here is a link to me if you are interested in checking out that I'm interested in and enjoy:  http://pinterest.com/dsteele810/.

The last few weeks we had such amazing weather.  We spent a lot of time outside, walking, bike riding and going to the park. It's turned cold again, which has cause Jonathan to be stir crazy, always asking to go out, no matter what the weather is like. This summer will be a lot of fun. I won't be pregnant, or have a newborn, so I'll actually get to do more, and we'll be able to do more as a family.  Nathan and I are so excited for all the plans we have.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!

I reached my goal weight as of this morning! 120 lbs!  I am so excited, I just had to share!

This spring/summer/fall will be great. I'll get out to do more things with the kids (now that we don't have a newborn in the house this summer). Biking, hiking, camping, playing at the park,  tennis, swimming, etc. It'll be great to add more exercise to my life!