Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This last weekend was my first day back at work. It was very emotional for me. Friday night Nathan attempted to put Jonathan to bed for me after I fed him so I could try to get to sleep early. It didn't work very well. He enjoyed his bath, but then screamed for a while after wards. I ended up getting up and going in and calming him down to go to sleep. He slept for 8 hours that night.. me, only 5. I woke up at 3:50, laying there thinking, do I get up now and get ready in case he gets up and wants to eat, do I wake him up before I go, do I pump... so much going through my head, so i didn't go back to sleep. I ended up getting up at at 4:45 and pumping. Jonathan woke up at 5:30, so I fed him a bottle for 10 minutes before giving him over to Nathan and leaving for work. I cried as I walked out of the house. But as soon as I started driving, I realized it was very foggy and I better not cry at the same time. the day went fine. I called Nathan all 3 of my breaks to see how things were going.. and they were going fine. Day 2 went better. Jonathan slept 7 hours so I got to sleep much better. work went slow, but I didn't worry about him and Nathan as much, and only talked to Nathan once. Overall the weekend was a success. Unfortunately, he only slept 3 1/2 hours before waking up the first time that night, and then every 2 hours after that. I was exhausted too. Oh well, I got to snuggle with him and sleep in that morning. Last night he was back to 7 hours. This past week he's done 4 nights of 7 or 8 hours, do I dare hope that this is the beginning of a new trend?

This weekend my brother Kevin gets married. And David's graduation party is on Sunday. I have 10 people staying at my house. should be a FUN weekend. I'll post next week about it! for now, I have a list of things that needs to get done prior to everyone arriving, so i better get started!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Rain Rain Go Away
Come again another day!

Today is my last day before work. I really really hoping that it would be nice and sunny out so Jonathan and I could take a walk. Oh well. I guess we are staying indoors. He still is only napping for 30 minutes at a time, unless we are out running errands and he is in his car seat. very annoying! oh well, I hope he naps well for Nathan this weekend!

I look back over my last 12 weeks off of work, and think about how much God has blessed me with, and how much Jonathan has changed.

He weighs 11 lbs 7 oz (at 11 weeks, 3 days)

loves to smile

loves his bouncer

sleeps 5 hours, then another 3, then another 2

eats every 2 1/2 to 3 hours

he LOVES his bath every night before bed

smiles at his mobile in his crib

tries to mimic what nathan and I say, he's so cute when he coo's at us!

loves to watch veggie tales

working on falling asleep without his pacifier.

loves his pacifier

has had 2 sleep overs at grandma's house, and has done well each time

has slept for 8 hours straight 2 x for me

pulls on his blankets and bibs and tries to eat them

loves to eat

hates being on his tummy, but is getting better at it. He lifts his head for about 3-4 min before crying

went to his first hockey game, softball game, and zoo

1st holiday: Easter

baby dedication May 9th

Both mommy and daddy loves him very much!!

I'm sure there is a lot more that I'm just not thinking of. I will cherish this time that I got to be a full time stay at home mom. Thankfully I'll only be going back part time. I can handle this, and I look forward to hearing about the time Nathan gets with Jonathan too. God had truly blessed out little family!! Here is our 1st family picture, taken Mother's Day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

final week

This weekend I go back to work. It is my FINAL week of maternity leave. I started thinking, I can't remember my locker combination... I wonder what my sign on name is for the computer system.... will I be on the same floor.... do I remember what all needs done... how many new residents are there.... will I have enough time to pump.... I need to just step back, take a deep breath, and pray. God will help me get through this. But I do need to remember my locker combination so i can put all my stuff in there. I remember my last day thinking, I should write this down so I don't forget it... and what do i do, I forgot to write it down! I'm praying it'll come back to me when I see the lock.

I'm excited to see how Jonathan and Nathan do with their first weekend together. I hope Nathan enjoys it. He'll have Jonathan for almost 10 hours that day. I'm sure going to miss them both.

But, I still have 4 full days, including today, to enjoy my time at home, and I intend to do just that. My goal was to scrapbook Jonathan's album before going back, so I should start that. Next week I don't work at all during the day, so I'll get my house ready for guests. Kevin gets married that Saturday, so I'll have 9 people here! wow!! I'm excited though!

This week I'm also trying to get Jonathan to fall asleep without his pacifier so he can learn to put himself to sleep. It's been interesting. Yesterday was my first day. He only cried for 8-12 min all three naps, which really surprised me. I was expecting him to cry up to 30 minutes. what did shock me was that he only slept for 3o minutes for all 3 naps. I think he's waking up thinking he wants the pacifier. Hopefully by the end of the week he's sleeping longer and learns he's not getting it. I just have to be strong and follow through. I did give it to him last night at the game, but we were in public. I'll probably end up confusing him. On a brighter note, he slept 5 1/2 hours last night, then was up 25 min to eat and then slept for another 3 1/2. I feel somewhat refreshed this morning.

by the way, I think I remembered my locker combination... it only took me writing this blog to help. we'll see if it's right on saturday. And I'm gong to write it down right now so I don't forget it again!

Monday, May 10, 2010

My 1st mother's day

My 1st mother's day was a special day. We had Jonathan's baby dedication at church. I am so thankful for such an amazing Christian church to bring our son up in. I look forward to watching him learn about Jesus and what he did for us. I look forward to watching the friendships he will develop at church. I look forward to watching him have fun at children's church, Sunday school, awana, and VBS. I look forward the spiritual growth I will have over the years at Open Door Bible church.

After church we spent the afternoon with Nathan's mom and her whole family. We had brunch at Port Hotel. David, my brother, was working so I got to see him a little bit. Jonathan did pretty well until almost to the end when he woke up crying, hungry. Oh well, at least I got to finish eating. We then spent time at Nathan's uncle's house with the whole family. It was Jonathan's nap time, so him, and his new cousin Ethan (7 days old), both slept in their car seats in the other room. They are so fun to watch together.

That evening we spent time with my mom and family. David couldn't make it because he had to work his second job. Kevin and my soon to be sister-in-law Liz came. We got Chinese for dinner.. yummy yummy! While there, my dad took some family pics of us three. I will post them soon when I get them off his camera.

I was hoping Jonathan would sleep really well for me as his mother's day present. Can't say that he gave me that. The night before mother's day we only slept 2 1/2 hours, then 3, then 2... Last night he did go 4 hours, 3 hours, then 2. I don't know what's going on and why he's not sleeping like he did a few weeks ago. I'm really starting to feel discourage and run down. I suppose he'll slip into a new sleep pattern soon, I just hope its soon, and not the current one!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


You know what one of the best parts of motherhood is... being able to go on play dates and meet up with other mommies! I have seen more friends, made more friends, and done more things with others since becoming a mommy! So many people I know have small children, had a baby recently or will be having a baby! Life is so fun with other moms! You know if you are one of the mommies I spend time with. I just want to say thanks for your friendship, the talks, advice, and time out. You are all amazing! I look forward to many more times together with our children!