Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Monday, July 26, 2010

10 lb challenge

So, my mom and I have a bet with each other... to see who can lose 10 lbs first. I'm starting today, so we'll see how it goes. The loser has to give the other person money towards a new outfit.

The plan:

Count calories. Last time I lost weight I only had 1200 calories a day. This time I think I'm going to do 1400. I just don't think I can do 1200 again, that was tough!

30 min exercise daily. I bought the Biggest Loser last chance workout video. We'll see how I do on this part of the plan. I'm so lazy when it comes to exercising. I also have the Wii Fit to weight myself in and do the exercised there, even if they don't work well, they are fun to do, and it's better than sitting around eating cookies!

I worry that my mom will win, she's very athletic, and loves to workout. Bring the challenge on! I'll keep you updated on who's winning and if I'm able to follow my goal. I think the only way I'll be able to do this is because I'm competing against my mom.

I really want to lose 15 lbs before we start thinking about another child, just so I don't keep gaining weight with each one..lol

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm going to be an Aunt!!

So, yesterday we went over to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's house. The plan was to go out to dinner to celebrate Kay's work promotion. We were all standing in the dining room and everyone was talking, and playing with Jonathan in his car seat when Lucas said, We never got to thank you for making me and Kay an uncle and an aunt, so I guess we'll just have to return the favor. (something along those words). I knew the second he said it, got really excited and gave Kay a hug! Both mom's looked at each other and screamed!! It was great! Congrats Lucas and Kay! Now Jonathan will have a 1st cousin, and they will only be a year apart!! Ya!!! Kay is due late Feb/early March.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Indiana Trip July 2010

A few weeks ago I went to visit my Grandparents and many family members in Indiana. While I was there I decided to climb the tree (probably for the last time ever because let me tell you, I am not as flexible or as strong as I use to be, so it was HARD to get up). My dad took a picture of me in the tree. I wish I had a picture of me in the tree as a child. I'm sure I do, but I just can't find it right now!

While there I spent a lot of time with my cousin's Abby and Ashley. We had a fun day at the park. They love getting pictures taken, so we had fun!

Before we left we made sure to get a picture of Grandpa Sand holding his first great grandson! I love this picture of them together!

Friday, July 16, 2010

high school continues

My sophomore year was probably the hardest year for you. At the time, I thought my life was just awful, I was depressed and didn't know what I was doing. Of course, looking back now, I realize I was young and stupid... I had a great life, and things weren't as bad as they appeared to be. I don't know what started me feeling sad, but I remember friendships in my life were changing, and I felt like things were going all wrong. Needles to say, I wound up falling into a group in school that weren't the best people to hanging out with. I started pulling away from my faith, and started to control my surrounds by not eating. I look back now, and realize that I was never really anorexic, but I was more trying to get attention. My pastor at the church ended up talking to me, praying with me, and meeting my parents to talk about what they could do to help me get though this tough time. I went to see a counselor and a nutritionist. Through talking with them, getting back involved with the youth a church, getting back into a good group of friends. Many friends reached out to me at that time as well, which was a blessing to me. If you are reading this, you know who you are... and Thankyou! I started getting my life back on track.

And when I mean back on track, I mean right with God. I read my bible every day, spent time in prayer, helped lean a bible study at school, and got so involved with the kids from church. I had never felt as close to Christ as I did at that. I look back and remember how happy I was, and I realize at this moment, I don't think I'm in that spot anymore. I need to start readying and praying daily again, for when I am in the WORD, I am most happiest, I trust God with all my heart, and I don't stress about things. Anyways....

The years went on in high school. Nothing else eventful. I went to dances (good story.... Junior year, I asked Nathan to go to turn-a-bout with me. If you ask him, I was crying(???) when I asked him,.. so he felt bad and said yes.... I don't remember it that way. Well a few days later he informed me that he decided not to go. He broke my heart. :) funny memory), I performed in Wizard of Oz my junior year, did 2 years of tennis, did 2 3-Act plays, performed in 2 summer musicals (crazy... my mother-in-law was the director, to this day I don't know why she put me in them... I'm not the best singing in the world). But my best memory is the time I spent with friends.

Marissa and Jesse were my closest friends in high school. Us three were together all the time. We laughed, we watched movies, hung out, but most importantly, we prayed together. Our group as a whole in high school was a good group. No one did drugs, smoked, or anything. We all respected our parents and did what they said. Without that group, I don't know what my life would be like today. Sadly, only a few of us are really in touch still. But I always hold them all in my heart.

Senior years was great. I was so excited to get out of school. At the time, I didn't really know what I wanted to do. My friend talked about becoming a nurse, and I thought that might be good. My mom always said I'd make a great nurse. I looked at some colleges and narrowed it down to UW Oshkosh (more of college life to come) Below is my senior pic

But before graduation, I was on the computer one night chatting with Nathan. All of a sudden he typed.. "I have to tell you something".. I said "What?" He then informed me that he liked me. So what did I do.. I told, 'that's nice, but I don't feel the same way!". But I had lied to him. I did feel that way, but I wasn't ready to admit it. I remember talking to Jesse a few days later about it and saying, I'm so stupid for not telling him. Nathan said he remembers feeling really embarrassed about it. Needles to say, I then told I did like him, but we didn't start to date right away. We wanted to wait and see how things turned out, since he was moving to St Paul in a few weeks for school.

Graduation day was great!!! I was so happy to finally be done and free of school. I remember sitting there waiting to go in thinking, "Wow, I did it! All those years I sat in class, thinking of this day, and it's finally here!" I was so excited, and so proud of myself. My mom cired, which meant a lot to me. They threw me a HUGE party the day before graduation, where most of my family came into town for. That meant a lot to me as well.

To be continued....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Green beans!

Jonathan had his first taste of veggies... green beans. He HATED it. The look on his face was priceless.