Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Monday, September 12, 2011

Steele Family update

So things have been busy. I haven't been blogging as much, and believe it or not, I haven't been on facebook as often either... even though I still am on quite a bit. I'm working on spending more time taking care of my kids and house (and hubby), working, dieting and spending more time with God.

This past week I actually started a diet... I eat 1200 calories a day. Now, I'm not really strict on it.. if I go over by 50-100 calories, I'm not going to stress out about it. But this week I've lost 3 lbs. Last week I lost 2. So, in 2 weeks, that's a total of 5! my goal is to get down to 120/125 lbs. I have anywhere from 11-16 more lbs to lose. I'm not trying to take it off too quickly, but I'll be happy if I'm down to that weight by Christmas (just in time to put some back on...lol )

Things have sure changed in our life these past few weeks. Nathan started school 3 weeks ago, which decreases his hours by 2 days a week... which really affects our checkbook! We're in the process of cutting back, and learning how to live on a tighter budget, with 4 people. It's difficult, but I truly believe that this is what God has been leading him to do. Please pray for me as I get stressed about money and bills. But I KNOW God is in control, and he will provide!

I've been reading a book called "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. It's an awesome book. It's really opened my eyes and heart to living a fuller life in Christ, one that is free from sin, worry, and the chains I may have place in my life. I pray that God will continue to use her words to teach me where I need improvement and teach me to fully TRUST Him!

Another thing that is going on is with Jonathan. He is being evaluated for speech therapy. He's 18 1/2 months old, and isn't saying anything. I'm not worried though. He understands EVERYTHING we say. I'm hoping that his just helps jump start speech, and they can give up tips on how to encourage him to speak.
My mom and took him out and did his 18 month photos. I think they turned out well! I did all the editing, which was fun. He's growing up right in front of my eyes.
He loves to play outside on his slide. I dread winter when we won't be able to go out and play very often!

Lincoln is 3 months old (Aug 25th)! Hard to believe it!!!! Here is an update for him:

*Sleep has been hit and miss, he usually does 9-10 hours. But the past week he's been waking up earlier...so now, if he wakes up before 5, I've been letting him CIO. The first night was 30 min, then I gave him a bottle. The second night was only 5 min, and the third night was 1 min. We'll see how tonight goes! :)
*He eats about 7 oz, 5-6 times a day
*He takes 3 naps, 1 1/2 -2 hours each
*he smiles and laughs ALL the time
*He holds his head up very well, and is starting to get his chest off the ground
*He started rolling over at 3 1/2 months
*I'm thinking of introducing cereal this next week for supper time. I think this might help him sleep better at night.
*he's starting to hold toys!

This is the age that I really begin to enjoy! watching them learn and explore is so much fun!

Well, I think that's all for now. Not much else in new on my end. How is everyone else doing?