Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Straight No Chaser

So this past weekend my mother in law took my husband and I out to dinner and so "Straight No Chaser" in concert at the Pbast theater for our birthdays. A friend of the family Andy came along!

We went to Mo's Irish Pub for dinner. I had a penne dish, which was very good. Nathan got a burger, which took forever to get since our waiter forgot to put it in! oops! For dessert we got a huge homemade chocolate chip cooking with ice cream on top. It was SOOO good!

The concert was amazing. I had never heard of this group before, but they were very talented and entertaining. Check out some of their work on You tube!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Bathtime at the end of a long day is such a special time for Jonathan and me.

Its becoming a lot more fun too as he is learning to splash the water and

play with the bath toys! He loves his yellow rubber ducky!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jonathan's 1st dinner date

We started our Tuesdnight bible study with Michelle, Tim, Beth, Scott, and us. While we talked, the babies played and had thier first dinner date... :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Only a helmet???

This has been a challenging week for me. I took Jonathan to his 6 month appointment last week and brought up this bump appeared on Jonathan's head, just above his forehead and a ridge that runs down this forehead to the top of his nose, between his eyes. I've never been very concerned, and the doctor wasn't too concerned either, but wants us to take him to Children's Hospital for an x-ray to see what is going on. If anything, she thinks the bones might be overlapping and the treatment for that just wearing a helmet.

Of course, as the parent, I thought WHAT?? ONLY A HELMET??? HE'LL HATE THAT!!!!

But I calmed my nerves quickly and told myself, lets not worry until we know what's going on. I'm sure it's nothing.

Nathan and I have discussed what to do since then. Do the x-ray? watch and see if it gets bigger? get a second opinion? do we really want to put our child through the x-ray? what will be be exposing him to? does our insurance cover this? (I checked, the neurosurgeon is in our plan... praise GOD).

So, the concerned parent I am, I started to research online. At first I wasn't getting much, and the stuff I was finding, what just freaking me out. I finally ran across picture that reminded me what Jonathan's head looked like, only more severe. It's called Trigonocephaly. A lot of research is scary, but I am trusting in God to look after my little man, to show us if this is what is really going on, and if it is, what we need to do.

I called the neurosurgeon today to set up the appointment for the x-ray. Just to be sure. I'm worried, but I honestly believe that God is in control, and I do not have to fear. Until I know anything, no need to stress. Below is the website that I found out my information. Interesting.


I started rethinking about the helmet.... only a helmet huh? I guess that's not too bad. It doesn't look serious enough for surgery.... so only a helmet. I can handle that.

Please be praying that it is nothing, and if is, God will guide us.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day weekend: Up North

We went up North for labor day, a weekend that was overall fun for me, but not for Nathan. For starters, he ended up having to fix the back of the house which had water damaged, but it all got "fixed". The main reason he went up there was to go disc golfing at a course up there, but ended up driving around for 1 1/2 hours just to not find it. thirdly, while working on the house he got stung and bit by a bee right under his eye. His left side of the face swelled up pretty bad. I felt so back for him. It was not the weekend he was anticipating!

Here is the fun stuff we did do!

We rested at the house:

we ate out a lot and ate a lot!

we went to the Lakewood Zoo:

we got our pictures at the tank and with "Larry". We have pictures of Nathan as a child on these and us when we 1st got married.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jonathan is 6 months!

Jonathan is 6 months old! How time flies! Here are the mild stones that I can think of this late in the evening!

*he officially sits on his own. He sat for 20 minutes today before he started fussing!
*loves to eat... eats TONS of solids, 3 meals a day
*is attempting to get up on all 4's, but ends up scooting backwards.
*loves to stand with assistance
*laughs a lot
*Cries if strangers come too close
*love mom, and gets upset when she leaves the room
*when on tummy, can lift all of his chest and stomach off the ground
*loves playing in his Toy Saucer
*loves to swim
*LOVES dogs, he has recently discovered them!

And the best part........
*Jonathan sleeps now for 9-10 hours every night!!!! how exciting is that!! As soon as I took the pacifier away he started sleeping through the night, and no crying. Most naps he even goes down without crying! yeah!

What gets me is I put together a scrapbook so far, of just birth through 4-5 months, and it's over 70 pages already!!!! I have at least 15 pages for 5-5 1/2 months old! I think I'm going to need to start a new album for the last 6 months!