Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

busy month

wow - time has gotten ahead of me. I have so much to blog about. This past month we did a lot of things. Went to Fish Day, Holland Fest, Ozuakee County Fair, the beach, my grandparents came in for a week, went to the zoo, and of course got together with friends for play dates. I won't post pictures of everything, there is too many. Besides, I posted them on facebook, and everyone who reads this is probably friends with me there, so check it out.

However, during this past month Lincoln turned 2 months. I can't believe how quickly time went.He is just an adorable baby boy. He loves to smile, and has given us a few giggles here and there. He is sleeping usually 8-9 hours a night, with an occasional night that he wakes up sooner. But overall, he is doing great, and I couldn't be happier! We don't' do tummy time as much as we should, but he's starting to get stronger. He eats about 5 bottles a day, between 6 and 7 ounces each. Hearty appetite! At 2 months he weighted 10 lbs 11 oz, and was 22 inches long. He has grown a lot since then, I can't believe how quickly is growing.