Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a very nice Thanksgiving this year. We only had one meal total, but it was GOOD. My parents are in Florida, so we did not have the Sand Family meal.

We had the Steele/Schmucker/Short Family gathering on Saturday. It was great to get together with family. We started out the day by playing a game. It's called Funglish. You have to get everyone else to guess what words you have by putting other words up that go in one of the following categories: Defiantly, sort of, or Not. For example, I had pancake, so I put up the words, Defiantly: Brown, flat, circle, edible; sort of: sticky. Not: yucky. It's fun, but harder than you think.

The kids were old enough to let play in the playroom by themselves. It made the day a little bit easier.
*did not leave Lincoln unattended... :)

Abi, Eliza and Jonathan playing so well together
*Ethan was there too.... but no pictures :(

While we played the game, the rest of the family watched the Wisconsin football game.
We all shared in a wonderful meal prepared by my mother-in-law, Bonnie. A lot of brought some food as well. I brought green bean casserole and rolls. Funny story: I was thinking, there's 22 people there, so I'll bring enough rolls for each to have 2, and then some extra. I went to the store, and got 6 packages of rolls. What I was thinking was that there was 8 in each package, so that equaled 48, perfect number. What I failed to realize was there was actually 16 rolls in each, so I brought 96 rolls! Needless to say, the whole family only ate about 16 rolls total. I have a TON of rolls. I froze them, hoping that they will still be good for Christmas.

Nathan carved the turkey this year.

our family! (minus Lincoln)

Jonathan enjoying a cupcake

Overall, it was a great day. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love the food, but more than anything, I love family, and getting together.

Great Aunt Tammy and Lincoln
Nonna reading to Jonathan and Lily
Uncle Lucas playing with Lincoln

Oh yeah, this was also Lincoln's and my niece's 1st Thanksgiving. Lincoln had homemade sweet potatoes... yummy! Lily enjoyed her meal, and then promptly fell asleep... what a cutie pie!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Jonathan's 1st words

This past month Jonathan started working with a speech therapist. He really enjoys "playing" with her toys and learning new words. Of course, I think even without her, he would be talking right now. It seem to all of a sudden click :)

Here is a list of words he can say:

Pappy (what we refer to Nathan's dad as when we look at his pictures)
uh oh
go and no (both come out as "do")
"o" for open

I am so proud of my little man. He's learned so much in just 1 month! He understands everything we say, can follow 3 step commands and loves to learn new things.

We started off with teaching his sign language since he was getting frustrated that he couldn't talk to us. He knows: please, thank you, more, open, bicycle, up, eat, milk, fun and help.

He also loves to do animals sounds. He can do the : lion, monkey, dog, cat, chicken, cow, sheep and pig. So cute!

Tonight we made a movie of him saying some words. He was the sweetest little voice (much better the the "eh, eh, eh" he use to say all the time!). Enjoy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Stationery card

Eerie Silhouettes Halloween Card
Get custom Halloween invitations at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.