Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jonathan's 1st Christmas

This Christmas was one of the best ever for me, because it was Jonathan's 1st. We had 5 Christmas' in 3 days, it was crazy, but fun!

Christmas Eve morning we woke up and had our own little Christmas. We ended up getting Jonathan a little piano, a cheetah that goes forward when you push a button, a fishing boat and a new book. He was scared of the wrapping paper, but once the toys were out he loved playing with them.

We then headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house where we opened gifts and ate a brunch. It was fun to be with my family. Jonathan got a Micky mouse rider, a machine that throws balls into the air, and a tonka truck. Loads of fun for him!

Christmas morning I worked, but Nathan took him over to Nonna's house to spend the day. After work I headed over there too, Nathan's mom's family were there. Jonathan got a hammer from his great uncle Al and Aunt Mary, and a play mat that makes noises when you touch areas (one side is animals and the other side is musical instruments) from Nonna. The new baby even got presents, a musical stuffed animal, swaddles and a blanket. We had a wonderful meal, and Jonathan ate a TON of sweet potatoes and rolls!

Sunday morning we had Christmas with Nathan's immediate family. That day Jonathan got a semi-truck/tow truck toy, a new blanket, Packer bibs/hats, an animal sounding toy from Nonna. He got a "bag of bugs" from Uncle Lucas and Aunt Kay. Another fun morning!

That afternoon Nathan's Aunt Tammy and her family came over. Jonathan got a "sing-o-matic" animal, and new baby got a giraffe blanket.

All in all, it was a GREAT Christmas, Jonathan was SPOILED! And his momma loved every moment of it! But I am glad that it's over for another year. Next year we'll have another baby to have a 1st Christmas. FUN FUN FUN!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

the little things

Tonight I was playing with Jonathan. He had a plastic lid from his baby food. I took it from him and then handed it back to him. He then proceeded to give it back to me again. We passed it back and forth for quite a while, him laughing the whole time. I then gave the lid to Nathan who started the same game with Jonathan. The funny thing.... Jonathan would start to hand it to him, and then as Nathan would reach out to grab it, he would pull it back as if he was teasing him, and just laugh and laugh. such a stinker!!! gotta love my little guy!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Life has just been flying by, and I have found no time to blog. I was sick with the stomach flu all day yesterday, so my mom came and picked up Jonathan and had him spend the night over there. Today my brother is watching him while I rest and regain my strength, so I thought I would take a few minutes to share what has been going on in our lives. Since my last post of stresses, we have continued to have car problems, but they are almost done being fixed, and I'm praying that we won't have any problems after this next week.

Nathan went hunting a few weeks ago, and got a doe. My brother went with him and got a buck fawn. I always enjoy eating the meat, and making up different dishes and recipes for venison. My favorite is the roast. cooking meat in the crock pot is somehow magical, the meat always cooks perfectly.

I've been working 2-3 days a week. I enjoy my job, but look forward to someday finding a job in a hospital where I use a lot of the skills and assessments that I've learned at school. I feel like I'm losing a lot of my knowledge that I've learned, and that scares me. I hope to start looking and apply as soon as I have this baby in May.

Jonathan is now 9 months old. I can't believe how much he has grown and how curious he is. Everyday is an adventure with him. he's crawling, pulling himself up on furniture, walking along furniture, and can climb the stairs. Thank God for baby gates! He's got 4 teeth. The upper teeth gave him a lot more problems than the bottom teeth, poor kid. Lots of crying with those two. But his smile is so cute with teeth. He learned how to PUSH his toys across the floor the other day, so he now spends his time on his stomach, pushing toys under the couch and coffee table. then I have to proceed to drag them out because he can't reach them and he does it all over again! so cute. He's also into EVERTHING! He is curious and wants to learn as much as he can. He's learning to open my cabinets. He's found one that has his bottles and bibs in it. He then proceeds to pull everything out the drawer onto the floor. does he put it back, nope, he leaves that for momma. He has also leanred where that where there is a toilet, there is a roll of toilet paper. Yep, he knows how to unroll the WHOLE roll. We now keep the bathroom door shut. lol

I decorated for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving while Jonathan was taking a nap. I was so excited to see his reaction to the Christmas tree. when he FINALLY woke up (he took almost a 3 hour nap that day) I brought him downstairs. At first he just sat in my lap and stared at the tree with a blank expression. It did not take long for him , however to get a huge smile on his face and want to go over and explore. He only goes by the tree if the lights are on, so thankfully if I don't want him over there I just turn off the lights. I'm looking forward to this 1st Christmas. we got him 3 gifts, and I had them under the tree unwrapped at first. One gift is a small piano. Well, he found it, and I heard him playing with it. Thankfully we know he'll like it, and I know he doesn't remember seeing it, so all is good :)

Other than that, not much is going on in our lives. We stay busy. work, family, friends. we have a bible study Tuesday nights which we are really enjoying. Nathan is working out at the gym. we are looking forward the birth of our 2nd child and of family and friends. God has truly blessed us, and we look forward to the next year and all that will come with it.