Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Weigh in

Things are slow going, I lost a total of 2.5 lbs this last month, but considering we had Thanksgiving, and whole week in there that I wasn't really "trying", I'd say I'm doing well. I weighed in at 124.6 lbs today! My goal is 120 lbs. Knowing that this month is going to busy with Christmas/New years, family gatherings, etc, my goal is to not stress about losing weight, but rather, maintain what I've done so far. If I lose some, great, but I'm not going to be giving up all the holiday sweets! After the 1st, I'll start to really look at losing weight again, and starting an exercise routine.

I am so proud of my myself so far. I've lost a total of 18 lbs in 4 months!


  1. Yay! In case I haven't mentioned it, you really are looking fabulous. :-) I know you can do it! (p.s. We should definitely have a Wii Fit party... hehe)

  2. You ROCK! :) Honestly that is awesome. Enjoy the holiday sweets, you look great! Once spring hits we can walk walk walk :)

  3. I would love to have a wii fit party.. and walk a lot this spring/summer!!!
