Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This last weekend was my first day back at work. It was very emotional for me. Friday night Nathan attempted to put Jonathan to bed for me after I fed him so I could try to get to sleep early. It didn't work very well. He enjoyed his bath, but then screamed for a while after wards. I ended up getting up and going in and calming him down to go to sleep. He slept for 8 hours that night.. me, only 5. I woke up at 3:50, laying there thinking, do I get up now and get ready in case he gets up and wants to eat, do I wake him up before I go, do I pump... so much going through my head, so i didn't go back to sleep. I ended up getting up at at 4:45 and pumping. Jonathan woke up at 5:30, so I fed him a bottle for 10 minutes before giving him over to Nathan and leaving for work. I cried as I walked out of the house. But as soon as I started driving, I realized it was very foggy and I better not cry at the same time. the day went fine. I called Nathan all 3 of my breaks to see how things were going.. and they were going fine. Day 2 went better. Jonathan slept 7 hours so I got to sleep much better. work went slow, but I didn't worry about him and Nathan as much, and only talked to Nathan once. Overall the weekend was a success. Unfortunately, he only slept 3 1/2 hours before waking up the first time that night, and then every 2 hours after that. I was exhausted too. Oh well, I got to snuggle with him and sleep in that morning. Last night he was back to 7 hours. This past week he's done 4 nights of 7 or 8 hours, do I dare hope that this is the beginning of a new trend?

This weekend my brother Kevin gets married. And David's graduation party is on Sunday. I have 10 people staying at my house. should be a FUN weekend. I'll post next week about it! for now, I have a list of things that needs to get done prior to everyone arriving, so i better get started!

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