Welcome to my blog. Life is full of ups and downs, but Christ has made all things beautiful. And he is my strength

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Child of God

I must always remind myself in time of need.. I am a child of God. HE loves me. HE takes care of me. Thank you God for being Lord of my life.

I was reading my personal prayer journal from a few years back. I was amazed to see how similar my prayer requests were daily for that whole year. I was constantly asking God to help me to a more positive and patient person. I knew/know I can't be who God intends me to be without letting HIM work in my life. My prayer for today is that I will lay myself down at his feet, to allow HIM to mold me into the Christian he wants me to be. There is so much for me to still learn... so much for him to change in me. I've come along way since what I wrote in my prayer journal, and I praise God for the work he has done already.

I really want to start writing in my prayer journal daily again. I've been really lazy the past 3 1/2 years when it comes to that. It was fun to reread what I had wrote, to remember events that I would have otherwise forgotten. I think I'll restart one tonight.

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